Thousands of children across Canada will be receiving trees


“Thanks so much for the opportunity for the kids to plant trees at the camp this year. I never realized how much the kids would enjoy it and feel like they were planting into the future.” – Marie Tubby, Director, Frontier Trails Camp

This year, the ChariTree Foundation is sending more than 15,000 children at summer camps across Canada a tree of their own to plant this year.

Andrea Koehle Jones, Charitree’s executive director, is a former Camp Mi-A-Kon-Da Program Director and she has a special place in her heart for summer camps. She says summer camps offer children unparalleled opportunities to switch off screens, live outside and connect with nature on a deeper level. She says the seeds of The ChariTree Foundation were born during her unforgettable days at a girl’s summer camp on a tiny tree-topped island in Northern Ontario.

As always, the Charitree Foundation tree planting program is open to all Canadian Camping Association camps in 2014, including those that planted trees in previous years. In summer 2013, campers in over 75 camps across Canada planted a total of 20,000 trees!

For more information on Andrea Koehle Jones and the Charitree Foundation :

“This is a great program. This year we used the trees as a teaching tool in our summer camp program, showing children how to plant and care for trees. They will be able to see the trees, grown considerably larger, when they return to camp next year – connecting them with camp and providing the positive experience of being able to say, “I planted that tree.” – Bronco Cathcart. Executive Director, Sasamat Outdoor Center