Tree Planting Form

After 10 years of planting trees with Canadian Camping Association campers, The ChariTree Foundation has a new initiative! Instead of offering trees to camps in 2019, The ChariTree Foundation is expanding its environmental education reach by helping to send kids to camps and schools with environmental education programs.

Read more here:

Don’t forget to tell us about your tree planting project

Please fill out this form in July 2018, once your camp has received trees from The ChariTREE Foundation and you have completed your camp tree planting program with campers.


ChariTREE Summer Camp Feedback Form.

The ChariTREE Foundation greatly appreciates the efforts of all CCA (Canadian Camping Association) staff who have planted trees with children – you truly are helping to make the world a better place. Please fill out this mandatory form to help ChariTREE keep accurate reports. With thanks!

Tree Planting Form

  • Please indicate the number and tree species your camp planted: For example, 10 apple trees, 200 Hemlock and 200 Douglas Fir
  • Upload your photos here. jpg files only, max upload size 200 MB. The form may not work if your photos are too large so resize them before uploading or email them to

Please provide any thoughts about the program. We sometimes post positive comments to help promote the important work of The ChariTREE Foundation.